Editorial Policy
Sumitomo Quarterly is a magazine whose mission is to ensure the values of the Sumitomo Group, with its history of over 400 years, continue far into the future. Every issue, highlighting a particular theme, presents the future-oriented initiatives of Sumitomo Group companies to help resolve the issues confronting society. Available in Japanese and English, SQ’s wide readership includes Sumitomo Group employees throughout the world as well as the general public.

The latest issue, SUMITOMO QUARTERLY SUMMER 2024 NO.177


For a Brighter Future

Satoru Yamamoto
President and CEO, Representative Director
Sumitomo Rubber Industries

Hiroshi Nomura
Corporate Senior Executive Advisor
Sumitomo Pharma

Wealth Management

Let’s talk!

News & Topics

Illustrator Hiroki Tsuboi Visits Sumitomo Group

Kawasaki Technical Center
Sumitomo Densetsu

Sumitomo’s Modern Development

WOMEN SHINE at Sumitomo

Saori Ueda
Sumitomo Mitsui Finance and Leasing

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