Sumitomo and Co-Creation—Articulating a Vision—

Companies find themselves in uncharted waters, negotiating a turbulent external environment increasingly shaped by climate change and still finding their feet in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mindful of this backdrop, the journalists will introduce the initiatives of Sumitomo Group companies, taking a close look at their business activities designed to articulate and accomplish their visions of a future to which we can all aspire as they strive to resolve the issues confronting contemporary society.

Mr. Junichiro Hori
Mr. Junichiro Hori
Journalist & business consultant
Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University, in 1981. Worked as a magazine reporter and editor-in-chief at Nikkei BP from 1986, and as a chief consultant at Nikkei BP Consulting from 2004. Established HORI PARTNERS in 2016. In addition to reporting and writing, also conducts market research and provides support for management of decarbonization. His publications include “Real Stores Strike Back: AI Strategy Against Amazon” (co-author, Nikkei BP, 2018).
Mr. Shumon Mikawa
Mr. Shumon Mikawa
Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities, Kochi University, in 1992. Joined Nihon Keizai Shimbun, where he was in charge of automotive, electronics and corporate reporting for several years. From 1999 to 2002, a reporter for Nikkei Business. After a spell as Bangkok bureau chief from 2007 to 2010, served as associate editor of Nikkei MJ and Nikkei Sangyo Shimbun. Established Mikawa & Co. LLC in 2005. His publications include “Carlyle Style: Growth Strategies of Japanese Companies” (Nikkei BP).
